
Dr. Harald Payer

Managing Director
M: +43 699 18252482
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Areas of consultancy:

strategy development, change management projects in organisations and networks, leadership development, cooperation management, project management, team building, training, facilitation of workshops, meetings and conferences - systemic, agile, solution focused


creative industry, environmental and climate protection, energy services, timber industry, food industry, health and wellness, recreation and sports, education, research and development, international cooperation, public administration, regional and urban development, financial services, information services, consulting industry

Foreign assignment:

Afghanistan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brasil, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, Ethiopa, Germany, Ghana, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenia, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Republic of South Africa, Serbia, Switzerland, Tanzania, Uganda, Ukraine, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe


German, English

Professional experience:

Founder and Managing Director of Moove Consulting GmbH, since 2013
Partner of Simon, Weber and Friends, since 2019
Managing Director of OEAR GmbH, 2007-2014
Associate of OEAR GmbH, since 2002
Founder and Board Member of CULINAR Institut, 1996-2002
Internal consultant of ÖGUT Österreichische Gesellschaft für Umwelt und Technik, 1994
Lecturer at IFF Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Vocational Education, Dept. Social Ecology, Head of Working Group for Environmental Accounting (1990-1998) and assistant at Dept. Health and Organisational Development, 1996-1997
Free lancer at Austrian Institute for Ecology, 1988-1992
Free lancer at Austrian Association for Ecology, 1987

Education and vocational training:

Digital Workshop Moderator, Academy of Change and openmjnd, Berlin, 2021
Lego® Serious Play®, Visionen Bauen, Vienna, 2019
Agile Scrum Master, WIFI Vienna, 2018
Club Systemtheorie, Berlin, since 2013
Vocational training for consultants „Next Step – Beratung im Wandel VI", Managementzentrum Witten, in cooperation with osb international AG, Vienna, 2008-2009
Network management, Management Center Vorarlberg, Bregenz, 2002
Doktoratskolleg Organisationsentwicklung, University of Klagenfurt, 2001-2002
Wholescale facilitation, all-in-one zur Bonsen & Associates, Frankfurt-Oberursel, 2001
Post-Graduate-Universitätslehrgang Organisationsentwicklung in Dienstleistungsunternehmen, Universität Klagenfurt, 1999-2000
Systemische Beratung, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut, Wilen, 1998
Group dynamics, Working Conference "Authority, Leadership and Organisation", Tavistock Institute, Leicester, 1996
Presentation techniques, Managementinstitut der Industrie, Vienna, 1992
Macroeconomics, Vienna University of Economics and Business, 1981-1988
Neusprachliches Bundesgymnasium, Vienna-Donaustadt, 1972-1980