
Financial service providers for real estate industry, power industry and environmental protection, business development banks and public promotional programs

Small and medium sized enterprises (SME): management consulting firms, planning agencies, lobbying and advertising agencies, film production, energy and environmental consulting firms, utility companies, mechatronics, engineering industry, printing and paper processing industry, carpentries, health-food shops, joint ventures

Commercial enterprises: food trade, sporting goods

IT service providers

International development agencies

Public administration: federal ministries, regional government authorities, municipalities, communities and intercommunal co-operations, environmental authorities, management bodies of EU support programs

Business incubators, innovation centers, technology parks, business support services, regional and local development agencies, management bodies of regional cluster economies, local agenda 21 offices

Research and development, educational institutions and vocational training facilities: universities, academies, technical colleges, study centers, centers of excellence, research departments

Civil society organizations: environmental and climate protection organizations, representatives of interests, church organizations, charity organizations

Individual enterprises, freelancers, coaches, surgeries